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Scientific program

Day 1 

October 24  2024



8.30                    Welcome


9.00 - 10.00 Opening Speeches


Frank Gotzen, President of ALAI

Franz Ruz, President of ALAI Chile  


​Keynote speech: Sylvie Forbin, Deputy Director General, Copyright & Creative Industries Sector, World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)




First session: General context. How do International Trade Agreements operate

in the field of copyright and related rights and embrace innovation and creation?



10.00 - 10.25 Historical Framework of Inclusion of Copyright into Trade Agreements.


Chair: Pierre Sirinelli (Professor at Panthéon-Sorbonne University, France)


Keynote Speaker: 

- Silke von Lewinski (Senior Research Fellow at the Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition, Ass.Professor at Zagreb University)



10:25 - 10:50 Evolvement post-TRIPs: New priorities in content?​


Chair: Pierre Sirinelli (Professor at Panthéon-Sorbonne University, France)



Susy Frankel (Professor at  Te Herenga Waka - The Victoria University of Wellington, Deputy Chair of the Academy Executive Committee and a member of the Society's Council, New Zealand)



​10:50 - 11:00 Question and answer session


​11:00 - 11:30 Coffee Break



11:30 - 11:55 Mapping the multilateral and bilateral free trade treaties today: An overview of the treaties, including copyright and related rights worldwide.


Chair: Jan Rosén (Professor at Stockholm University)



Ernesto Rengifo (Professor at Externado University of Colombia; Member of the Arbitration Court of the Arbitration and Conciliation Center of the Chamber of Commerce of Bogotá)




11:55 - 12.20 Closing Clauses in FTAs and Copyright Protection. Its relation with cultural diversity and innovation.


Chair: Jean Cavalli, Avocats & Conseils, Switzerland



- James Parish (Professor at University College London)

- Kim Kyungsuk (Professor at SangMyung University, South Korea)



12.20 – 12.30 Debate


12.30 – 14.00 Lunch Break



2. Second Session: Particular issues of trade treaties as such and in relation to

treaties administered by WIPO and UNESCO



14.00 - 14.30 CETA, AECG; TPP, PTP, CPTPP, PTPGP; CUSMA, USMCA, T-MEC, (NAFTA 2.0); etc.: Copyright Navigation Through Multiple Trade Agreements.


Chair: Fabiola Wust, Professor at the International Studies Institute, University of Chile



- Ysolde Gendreau, Professor at the Montreal University (Associated Member of the International Academy of Comparative Law and a Member of the  Intellectual Property Institute of Canada)


14.30 - 15.00 Dispute settlement mechanisms in trade treaties: Overview and current state  of dispute settlement mechanisms in WTO and other trade treaties and their relations. Effectiveness of sanctions.


Chair: Sofia Boza, Ambassador of Chile to WIPO and WTO. President of the Council for Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS)



- Antony Taubman, Former Director, Intellectual Property, Government Procurement & Competition Division, World Trade Organization, WTO     



15.00 – 15.15 Debate



15.15 - 15.45 Interpretation of copyright rules in trade treaties: Is there a difference to interpretation under copyright treaties?


Chair: Jane Ginsburg (Professor at University of Columbia)



- Mihály Ficsor, Former Director of Division on Copyright and Related Rights at WIPO



15.45 - 16.05 Coffee break



16.05 - 16.45 Author’s rights vs copyright in trade treaties.​


Chair: Carmen Arteaga, Professor at Universidad Autónoma de México (UAM), and President of the Interamerican Institute of Copyright



- Jorge Mahú Baeza (University of Los Andes, Chile)

- Alejo Barrenechea (Professor at the Law School of the University of Buenos Aires, Argentina)


3. Third Session: challenges and opportunities of the Free Trade Agreements

for management of copyright and related rights. Its value from the perspective

of cultural diversity.


16.45 - 17.15 ​Rights management and cultural diversity. Real cases and examples.


Chair: Stephen Edwards, Reed Smith, United Kingdom. 



- Claudio Ossa (Head of the Department of Intellectual Rights at the Chilean National Service of Cultural Heritage)

- Giuseppe Mazziotti (Abreu Professor in Law and Innovation, Católica Global School of Law)

17.15 – 17.45 Effects of negotiations and provisions of Trade Agreements on collective management.


Chair: Rudolf Leska, STAIDLLESKA 



- Rodrigo Águila (General Director of CHILEACTORES)

- Anita Huss-Ekerhult (Secretary General and CEO of IFFRO – International Federation of Reproduction Rights Organizations)







Day 2

October 25  2024

III. SPECIFIC PART. Approaches by regions and countries.


9.00 – 9.30 The case-law of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) and its impact on the interpretation of Free Trade Agreements entered into by the European Union.


Chair: François Le Moine (Règles de l'art, President of ALAI Canada) 



Juan José Marín (Professor of University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain)



9.30 – 10.00 The UK perspective after Brexit. Characteristics and impact on copyright and related rights, including the interaction with other treaties. The Commonwealth.


Chair: Annie Morin, General Director of Artisti (Canada)



- Alison Firth (University of Surrey)


10.00 – 10.10 Debate



10.10 – 10.40 Copyright and International Trade: a perspective from Africa.


Chair: Nanno Mulder, Head of International Trade, United Nations (UN-ECLAC). 



- Coenraad Visser (Professor at South Africa University, Senior lecturer at the University of the Witwatersrand)



10.40 – 10.50 Debate


10.50 – 11.20 Coffee Break



11.20 – 11.50 The case of Chile: The country with the largest number of Free Trade Agreements signed in the world. 

  • General review and perspective. Legislative development and strategy.


Chair: Carlos Fernández Ballesteros, Former General Subdirector, WIPO.



- Santiago Schuster (Professor at the University of Chile)



11.50– 12.30 Latin America: a practical approach to Copyright and FTA. â€‹


Chair: Delia Lispzyc (Consulting Professor at the University of Buenos Aires, Argentina. Honorary Member of ALAI)



- Rafael Fariñas (Regional Director for Latin America and the Caribbean at CISAC)

- Hugo Gómez (Principal Judge for the Republic of Peru at the Court of Justice of the Andean Community)


12.30 – 12.40 Debate​


12.40 – 14.10 Lunch break



14.10 – 14.30 U.S. perspective on Free Trade Agreements and its relationship with copyright protection.  


Chair: Pablo Wegbrait, Professor at University of Buenos Aires



Marketa Trimble (Samuel S. Lionel Professor of Intellectual Property Law, S. Boyd university, School of Law, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, United States, Remote)



14.30 – 15.00 The Asian perspective: A practical approach. 


Chair: Franz Ruz, President of ALAI Chile and Vicepresident of the Interamerican Institute of Copyright



- Taejin LEE, Senior Director, International & Legal, The Korean Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers(KOSCAP), South Korea

- SUWANO Oki (Departament of Law, Graduate School of Law, Professor Kindai University, Japan)                 



15.00 – 15.15​ Debate


15.15 – 15.45​ Coffee Break



15.45 – 16.05​ The present and  future of  Copyright and International Digital Trade: Artificial Intelligence, Digital Transformation and Cultural Diversity.​


Chair: Felipe Mujica, CEO of Eurochile Foundation 



Rodrigo Osorio, President of SCD (Chile)









16.05 – 17.00  ALAI General Assembly


17.00                  Closing session

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